Saint Nicholas Primary School Latest News – Via Twitter

Our Year 3 boys had a fantastic time at the football tournament yesterday at Hymers College. Thanks you @HymersSport for hosting!! #stnicsstars🌟 @HumberEdTrust

Thank you to @tigerstrust for our World book day prizes. The year 2 children had to draw a character from a book who had shown great perseverance!

Our World Book Day winners! 📘📗📒All the children have made such an effort with their costumes. Thank you to all our families for supporting this to promote reading. #stnicsstars⭐️ @WorldBookDayUK #welovereading

In geography today, Year 5 explored contour lines. We discovered the importance of being able to recognise changes in the height of the land on a map. We were very creative and represented contour lines on a potato! #stnicsstars⭐️

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