Multi Academy Trust overview:
Humber Education Trust’s vision is to develop a high performing Multi Academy Trust that delivers the very best educational experience for all children and young people.
We will grow, develop, support and improve our schools across the Trust, with a clear focus on raising standards, encouraging innovation and strengthening the ethos of the Trust to ensure that we have a positive impact on all of the children and young people within the Trust.
As a partnership, our strength lies in a common purpose: high aspirations, moral values, care and support; yet celebrates our individual uniqueness. As a trust, we will drive these aims further and faster for the benefit of our pupils and our communities.
Humber Education Trust is also recognised by the DfE as an Academy Sponsor.
This means that through the Trust, we are held accountable for sponsored schools who may join us, to ensure improvement in outcomes and taking responsibility for their performance and financial arrangements.
Humber Education Trust is supported by a strong Trust Board who provide effective support and the challenge required to ensure that we build on our track record of excellence to provide strategic partnerships to improve quality, share best practice and operate effectively and efficiently.
We believe passionately that every penny that comes into a school should be spent on the development and provision of a first class standard of education for all.
Please also see the Humber Education Trust website for details and copies of policies, financial documentation and other information in relation to the Trust such as Articles of Association.

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Key documents and Governance: